Acceptance: Throat, Heart & Satya Asana Practice

By , On , In Featured Class

In this session, we are both moved and brought to stillness by the qualities of the throat chakra, heart chakra and satya (truthfulness). We bring attention to our own discovery of truth as we move every large joint of our body and surrounding muscles. Then, with the loving quality of acceptance, we offer compassion to all other living creatures who are on their path of discovery for truth, recognizing that their perception of truth is influenced by their own memories and imagination, just like our own. Part of the wisdom of throat chakra (expression) and satya (truthfulness), is to accept the truth of others without making it about ourselves. Of course, there may be initial feelings of judgement or even feeling threatened, but with practice, you can allow others truth to be theirs and perhaps the only thing stirring within you is curiosity.